Top 3 Advanced GA4 Reports: Advanced Reporting Techniques and Migration Strategies

The episode delves into the urgency of migrating from Universal Analytics to GA4 due to the former’s impending discontinuation, highlighting the necessity for businesses to shift their analytics framework within a tight timeframe. It centers on equipping digital analysts with advanced GA4 reporting skills, essential for scrutinizing various aspects of digital performance including marketing campaign outcomes, e-commerce product traction, and engagement with newsletters. Detailed discussions cover the measurement of organic landing page success through specific metrics, the use of GA4’s custom reports for deeper analytical insights, and strategies for banner performance evaluation and audience segmentation for more effective marketing efforts. Furthermore, the webinar explores GA4’s enhanced event tracking capabilities, offering methodologies for tracking form submissions and interactions, thereby enabling a more granular analysis of lead generation and conversion processes. This comprehensive session aims to ease the transition to GA4, ensuring analysts and marketers are well-prepared to utilize its full suite of features for superior analytics insights.

Quotes from the interview

“GA4 is not just a new interface; it’s actually a new tool. The reporting metrics have essentially changed, requiring a technical perspective to understand their definitions.”
— Bismayy Mohapatra

“Don’t delay your migration. We all got used to Universal Analytics, but GA4 offers much better features, like AI predictions, that will work much better if you migrate as soon as possible.”
— Žiga Berce

[00:01] Introduction to the Webinar and Hosts
[01:09] Importance of Migrating from Universal Analytics to GA4
[02:30] Introduction of Guest Speaker Sigga and GA4 Reporting Overview
[03:15] Detailed Comparison Between UA and GA4 Metrics
[04:31] Audience Interaction and Q&A Session Announcement
[06:06] Hosts’ Backgrounds and Expertise in Digital Analytics
[07:20] Key Differences in Reporting Metrics Between UA and GA4
[13:33] Advanced GA4 Reporting Techniques Demonstration
[14:18] Landing Page Performance Report for SEO Analysis
[15:54] Analyzing the Impact of Banner Promotions on E-commerce Sales
[16:33] Tracking Newsletter Subscriptions for Blogging Websites
[22:48] Creating Dynamic Remarketing Audiences in GA4
[36:38] How to Track Form Submissions and Use Data for Marketing
[46:36] Concluding Remarks and Migration Urgency
[48:48] Future Plans for Advanced Reporting Courses and Importance of Data Gathering in GA4
[50:18] Thank You Note and Webinar Closure

[Music] foreign [Music] out here in India but uh thanks to everybody who has joining from us uh the UK and other parts of the world so hi my name is bismai I am the head of product tagmat product uh at cothwik analytics and today we are going to talk about our today’s webinar is the second episode of the tech talk show so people who are joining us for the second time they must have seen my face already thank you again for joining today and today is her webinar is on gfo reporting I know gf4 um webinars has been a free pad right
now a lot of webinars a lot of topics on ga4 are uh in Vogue everybody seems to write blogs uh Google is kind of promoting heavily that ga3 or UA Universal analytics is sunsetting next year so there is some just about some nine months of time eight to nine months of time when one has to migrate everything from the universal analytics to gfo which includes uh your user accesses your reports uh your events that you did and obviously the goals and conversions and whatever uh was the base of your business metrics reporting that one used
to do so uh I work at topic analytics which is a digital analytics agency uh which does Consulting for Google analytics implementation so I kind of can definitely vouch for what kind of pain uh would an small agency or an Enterprise you know small a small business or an Enterprise business will go through when they are kind of migrating or migrating all the reports that they were were so much comfortable with in Universal analytics to here for to make our Tech talk episode interesting we have invited siga uh
thank you ziga and welcome to uh the second episode of tech talk so uh he is uh TN GTM specialist and this is an entrepreneur as well uh so thank you for joining us in today uh he is going to basically take us through top three Advanced Geo reports which are very essential for any guy any digital analyst in an uh Team a product team or an analysis team analytics team who are either looking at performance reports for their marketing campaigns or looking at e-commerce product performances or something like tracking a subscription base of the
newsletters and so on and so forth so here we go so today’s agenda will start with about the quick intro on our speakers obviously was bigger and then we’ll talk about what is the difference in reporting between Universal analytics and gfo because that kinds that is kind of the base uh for our webinar uh because we want you to show why we need to be cognizant about what all reports can be migrated and how do we kind of compare the metrics uh the reporting metrics that are available across both the platforms since the it’s
just not a new interface it’s actually a new Tool uh in uh when we talk about gf4 right then we’ll go ahead with the top three reports which will be demoed uh and it will be a live demo so hope it would be as valuable as much uh you uh you have invested the time in joining today’s stack talk show and there will be q a obviously and then to end with we’ll have a surprise giveaway uh for everybody who has stayed back until then yeah we’ll try to cover everything in 45 minutes uh I hope uh you guys will be
interactive please drop your questions in the chat window uh the Q a window and we’ll be sure to answer them as the webinar progresses so as you go again uh would you like to uh introduce yourself to our audience yeah hi uh business and everybody joining uh super happy and excited to be here today with you and uh hopefully I’ll be able to teach you something new so a little bit about me I’ve been in marketing for over eight years now I’ve started with a crowdfunding campaign uh that I had some success with and then I helped a
bunch of other products raised over seven million dollars up till now I’ve also funded a couple of my own startups and to this point I only worked with um early State startups and scale-ups in marketing departments and now I’ve worked a lot in different areas but my primary focus was always on analytics and trying to understand customers where they come from and yeah hopefully I’ll be able to share a part of this knowledge today with you sure I think definitely that would be looked uh scenario today uh like you are
you are a Geo GTM specialist and we are going to talk about gfo reports so hope the audience gets the Jews out of this entire webinar uh a little bit about me uh I uh head the product division at traffic analytics and uh we have been building a couple of products mostly in the marketing analytics domain so there’s a stagnet which we’ll talk about uh briefly at the end of the session uh which is mostly about data collection or analytics setups just like Google analytics or even marketing pixel setup then we’ll
talk about then there is pipe stream and Badger again some of them one of them is an ETL tool the other one is a visualization tool you can obviously reach me at hello app great over to the next section which is uh which I was talking about the Baseline uh for our today’s webinar topic uh the difference between UA and gfo starting with users which is considered the uh you know the metric where businesses kind of rely on where we are talking about how many users have we acquired from any of these channels
or acquisition channels right so in UA there was something called total users which is the total number of users and then there was the new user zika uh what do you uh see how users metric has changed in gfo because there is generally a discrepancy in the number of users across both the platforms yeah sorry we’ve got time um yeah basically the names stayed the same and as you mentioned in the Universal analytics uh what was content under users was basically the total number of users that arrived right but
in ga4 those are only active users so active users are the ones with engaged sessions right right I I think that that definitely gives a a bit of clarity that when we are comparing users in UI versus gfo we should keep that in mind similarly for page views uh it’s almost the same but then again not the same because in UA it was all about Pages while in ga4 it is pages and app screens because ga4 is a cross-platform Analytics tool right uh about sessions uh uh I think sessions in UA versus gfo there is a lot more change in the
definition uh uh right uh what do you uh would you want to throw light on this always have changed yeah I mean for for starters uh sessions are now not um an entity on its own but uh there’s an event triggered when a session starts called session start event and there’s some extra parameters within it um and there’s some other details how sessions get measured for example they don’t use they used to reset at midnight in Universal analytics then they don’t anymore right so if your session crosses the midnight depending
on what your settings in Google analytics 4 are set to um the session shouldn’t restart the same goes for the campaign parameters it used to reset when new set of campaign parameters were encountered for example some UTM parameters the same person within the same session time arrive to your page from for example from two different links it would be reset but now it’s not and also Google analytics for now since we’re losing cookies they get less data but they try and statistically estimate the number of sessions and
unique sessions paid based on their internal ID so it should be a bit more accurate than the old University Analytics great yeah thank you thank you for that piece of information moving on uh bounce rate this is definitely something very critical because uh this was previously not available in gfo and then was later introduced uh into ga4 a couple of months back so uh has the definition really changed or oh yeah I mean we still didn’t get the bounce rate right there’s there’s no you won’t find the metrical bounce rate but
you will have a a metric called engage session so they kind of this is like an inverse of Bounce rate and engage sessions are basically defined for in Google analytics 4 for every F uh every instance where people are on your site for more than 10 seconds trigger uh another event so whether it’s another page view or it’s a different screen or whatever that constitutes a different demand then it will be considered an Engaged session if nothing uh nothing is triggered or you don’t stay on the website for more than 10 seconds
basically it would it wouldn’t be marked as an engage session and you could sort of count it as a bouncer yeah it definitely is a required I think metric that everybody was waiting for I think there is another couple of metrics which is still missing in gfo like time on site uh people will expect that in a short while that Google will introduce that as well from Total events uh I think everybody understands that earlier there was event category event action event level which was kind of the convention in UA but in ga4 it has
changed into something called an event name and every event or every action is considered as an event wheat and hit uh scope or a page view or a simple event that was there in UA so there is even name and then there are even parameters in place of event category Action level but conversions also uh this is this is an important change that has happened previously we used to have goals uh settings where you could count only one conversion per session now in ga4 there’s every instance of that event is counted as uh duplicate is counted as
multiple conversion events so yes so I we just wanted to get give you guys a refresher before going ahead that actually there is a lot of change in the reporting of your metrics in uh in the dashboards so even if you migrate your same old UI dashboard to gfo there there is going to be a lot more uh numbers difference as well as there might be certain metrics that you will have to look at uh from a uh you know from a technical perspective that their definitions have essentially changed great moving to our third section for
today which is all about the actual reports uh before that uh we would want to quickly run a poll uh yeah one of my team members would want to run a poll quickly for 30 seconds so the question is about have you already migrated to gfo since these are the top three reports on Tech would be obviously a lot more basic in advance reports that you would be uh starting to build in but uh if you have not migrated to gfo uh then yeah this is the right time to get started as well uh we are we are starting to receiving
responses I will wait for 10 more seconds uh before going ahead uh we’re going to close the poll uh in about three more seconds foreign [Music] so these are the top three reports which are actually Advanced the reason why we are calling it Advanced is all of this reports needs a lot of customizations or custom report uh features that are available in gfo be it uh you know editing the exact exact report in ga4 UI or creating an exploratory reporting Explorations this is where the expertise of jio comes and so without further Ado I will kind of
you know uh move with uh move to him to kind of talk about three main reports the first report is the landing page performance report for for an SEO agency where they uh want to measure the organic performance of their clients websites or landing pages for a Shopify store on our or woocommerce WordPress store owner or even for any e-commerce uh website uh because they because the Black Friday deal went fast they would have definitely set up banners on their website uh promotion banners they would want to analyze the impact of such kind
of Black Friday Banner promotions on their store sales and if how do they create dynamic remarketing audiences based on that so that they can push it to their Google ads or any other AD mediums to kind of retarget them right and last would be for blogging websites uh who are hosted on let’s say WordPress and since our uh since their importance is uh to track the number of subscriptions to the newsletters so this is going to be a lot more important that how do I track them so that I can use them for sending
emails and doing email automation marketing and so on and so forth yeah so let’s get started the first one of this okay all right um so yeah the first thing we want to look uh Disney I already mentioned is how to measure the organic performance of landing pages and where to find the reports with metrics like Impressions average position click-through rates engagement time and so on so there’s actually a couple of different methods you can use and we’ll take a look at the first method which won’t give us all the
metrics I mentioned before but it’s super simple so we can go under the reports and under the engagement you will find a pages in screens report overview which will load just in a second and here you can basically do a quick overview of the landing pages and their stats if you’re used to the old way of showing the landing pages in Google analytics you can basically do the landing page instead of a page title and this will give you the URL for each page but this report now includes all the traffic not just the organic ones so if you want to
measure just the organic traffic we can do that by modifying this report and we can customize it up here and basically just um sorry no I wanted to add a metric so basically if you want to to do this just fill to the track and you can filter the traffic but by any Dimension you have in the Google analytics floor and this here is a bunch of different um Dimensions that you can use and for our purpose we’ll just use uh first user with it and you can just select the organic traffic apply it this way you’ll see that the traffic
here is only showed for the organic traffic to each of these landing pages if you want to modify these reports as I started to shop earlier and add some other metrics for example if you want to see how many new users came uh from these specific channels and since we don’t have this metric here we can simply modify this report and here we have different dimensions and metrics and just add a different metric for example in our case new users and if I do that and just just move it a bit higher so we’ll see
it’s reports see that now we can track how many new users came from this specific Channel okay but here we don’t see metrics like uh impression or average position or you know click to rate from the Google itself for this we need to include data from search console I’ve already done it in this account but I’m gonna show you on a different account how you can do that it’s super simple so don’t worry you just go under admin and here in the properties menu scroll down till you see search console links
and you basically just link to a search console property that you manage I’ve got a bunch of them and I’ll just select the appropriate one and then basically you just select the web stream for this specific property so this is stream that you have enabled and you can just add it with one click once you do this you will get a in reports you will get an option to add all these reports to um your panel um but usually it’s not added automatically I think I had it here before so that’s why it was added
automatically now but I’m gonna show how you can do it if you don’t see it you can go under the library and here in the library section you will see that you’ve got a lot of as soon as it loads a lot of collections in one of the collections is also search console which is currently already published that’s why you see it here if it wasn’t and you wouldn’t see it in your sidebar you would just simply click here publish I’m not going to unpublish it now but it would say publish you
would just say publish and it would show in the right left side bar there is however sometimes a bug where search console shows twice so if this happens to you you can just click on these three buttons and just click delete for one of the search consoles not for both and you will get only one report so this is [Music] um this is basically um the second report we wanna we wanna check is where to where where can you look up sort of like item promotions uh performance on your from your website for example if you’re doing an internal
promotional internal Banner uh and then we’ll check how we can create a dynamic Google ads um remarketing list so you can basically Target those users that visited this Banner that clicked on it but haven’t purchased in the past so you can remarket them through Google ads so what I mean by banner I mean like for example on this Google merchandise store example this button here sale or the more the merrier shop now so these are all the banners that they have um on their website and if they want to measure the performance of it uh you
would basically go under I’m using different reports because on on in this report I don’t have um any any e-commerce data and I wouldn’t be able to show you but this is a Google demo account which you can try out yourself as well and yeah basically you just go under monetization and in the monetization overview we’ll see how much this specific Google Store um making monthly let’s just wait a second so it loads so here at the bottom you’ve got different widgets uh in these overviews but here
you can see that you’ve got an item View events by item promotion name I’m not sure why there’s no data inside in the in the preview section but you can get more details in each of these widgets just by clicking but this button in this case view promotions and here we’ll see I don’t know or maybe they just didn’t set it up correctly because as we’ll see here you know you can see now the item promotion name uh in the custom Dimension and there’s promotion views but there’s zero clicks zero uh add to
cards so I think they just didn’t implemented it correctly or they’re still um leveraging the old Universal analytics migration and that’s why it’s not showing up so I’m not sure I don’t think it’s a bug in the Google analytics because I’ve seen in other uh at other companies that this works so it just might be their specific store issue so if you don’t want to just look at the item promotion name uh Dimension you can you can change the dimensions here as well and if you want to add some extra
Dimensions uh to which you want to segment this audience you can do it as I showed you before with the edit button here which I currently don’t have the rights on this Google merchandise store okay so since I’m unable to edit anything on on this Google demo account I’ll go back to my account and now I want to show you how you can make a dynamic audience based on the the things we talked about so you can Target them through ads and for this you can go into the admin section again and here under the properties
so till it loads you’ll see the audience section and here you can add your custom audiences you can just click on create new audience and there’s a couple of things that are quite good now in Google analytics for and this is that Google already gives you some suggested audiences that you can create they also give you some new templates so by technology demographics a position from which you can start and create your custom audiences and they also have predictive audiences which as I mentioned I don’t have a store on this
account uh would give you um insights into you know like seven day likely purchases or you know churning users and so forth right for our purpose we want to create an audience of all the people that haven’t purchased but clicked on the banner and we could do this by creating a custom audience for scratch but I want to use a general template from the start so non-purchases which gives me already the excluded um things right and Google already gives me here which users they should exclude and those are all the that’s made
purchases or that did an e-commerce purchase and it per in-app purchase since for this specific example I don’t have an app I can simply remove this condition and this will apply only to this this is not enough we still want to include all the users that clicked on the banner and how we could do that is simply by add another condition here and in our case as we looked before I would start writing uh item promotion but like I said I don’t have that here on this page so let’s think of a different metric by which we want to filter and I
think a good approximation for that could be in this page location so if somebody clicked on the banner and landed on a specific promoted product we could use a page location to detect this and then just add a filter where this page URL for example contains this so now this will create an audience where all the people that visited this page and didn’t purchase um you know and put them into this audience right one of the things that is also important here is to know uh the scope you want to limit this code or for
example only within the same session if somebody visited your page it didn’t bought in that session you could switch to this but if you want all the people that never bought but visited your page then you would just leave to this within the same event this is for some special cases I wouldn’t use it here and you can also set up the duration how many days are people eligible to stay in this um custom audience right so the minimum I think it’s one day and you can also set it to maximum interesting interesting figure uh is
there a way that I can also create something like a sequence where people who have visited this page and then they have added the product to the cart and still not purchased is there a way that I can get do that achieve that as well um basically you could do you could achieve that with sequences right so uh let’s let’s remove this first condition um and then you can have a sequence of steps that must happen for uh for these conditions to be um fulfilled and a person would be added to this audience for example in the
first step we could add a condition of uh maybe an event of visiting a product and then the next one would be add to cart and we put three Target only people that did they did do these two steps and and Target um that and then you you also have some cool features where this second step of all the following steps have to directly follow previous step or indirectly follow it what this means is that if I visit in for example if I do the action that that suffices for this first step for example visit a page a and then I visit
the page C and then I come back to page B if indirectly followed by is enabled then this will still count and the the person will be added to the audience but if we change it to directly followed then I need to go from Step a directly to step B if I want um that condition to be satisfied you can also limit it with time so you can say I want uh to count all the people if they achieve that in first five minutes or 15 minutes or I don’t know in 15 days or whatever whatever your funnel of version is interesting
and once the audience is created uh how do we kind of get set with the uh remarketing yeah sure um Okay so maybe maybe before before we go there just two more or three more um important things you need to be aware of once you create an audience you cannot edit it edit it anymore um so if I create this audience um let’s just remove this condition and I’ll show you I can only change the name and the description of this audience and add all the Instagram I cannot modify the parameters anymore this is why this
is because uh these audiences will automatically import and constantly refresh in Google ads as well so if you want to have a different audience you’ll have to delete this audience and create a new audience one other thing that you have to be aware of is also that they’re not retroactive so that means that the data imported into this audience will not go past the time you created so it will only gather users from the point you create your own audience forward and also it may take up to 24 hours before this audience synchronizes to
Google ads and after you created these audiences um you can go to admin and you you have to link also the Google ads if you haven’t linked it yet you’ll need to do it if you did linked it uh there’s no need to do it every time after you add an audience it will automatically be added so here you can see Google add links and the process is similar to search console you just click the link you select your Google ads account and all the configuration steps which I won’t go through it but it’s it’s just you know whether you
wanna have personalized advertising enabled if you don’t enable these um audio remarketing events won’t be passed to Google and Google ads and you know you won’t be able to see all the details but this might be connected to the region where you are because it depends how your data collection and how you communicate it on your website so after you create this all the um all the um yeah audiences will automatically be synced interesting so let me just check are there any questions so far no audience limited
um so what did you mean by audience Limited is it like uh is he trying to ask how many number of audiences can we create in uh in total uh in gf4 property for property this is the case side um I’m not sure from the top of my head I think it’s 15. um so I can I can take later on take a look and I’ll get back to you with this number I think yeah definitely you’re limited to number of um audiences you can create so don’t just create them all over the place um but I’m not sure about the exact number maybe this may you can check
yeah okay so the the next report uh yeah I think we wanted to talk about the next report former publisher point of view people who have uh publishing Pages or websites or blogs and we generally we do have a lot of forms on our website and we want to track the incoming traffic in form of leads so yes uh why don’t you show us how how would somebody like them track the subscriptions and make use of it to uh you know do email remarketing or uh and other marketing activations yeah sure so um I’ve got an example page here we with
like just a simple form and if I just write something inside and and do this is a search form but it would be the same for a lead generation form uh as well and uh we can actually see if I go under the reports and under the real time we can quickly see that an event is triggered okay sometimes Google is a bit slow and yeah you can see that one submit was basically just just triggered right um Google analytics 4 actually tracks some of the events automatically and I’m just gonna show you quickly where you can see this
and you can see this under data streams and you can even disable some of these events and later on I’ll uh I’ll talk about um in here under the enhanced measurements you can see everything that Google by default now uh threads so let’s scroll events you know site search form interactions video engagement and so forth so if you have form interactions enabled you will see this event that I just showed uh so forms of me so if we you know want to now um make this event as a conversion to measure it in different reports we could
go under the events just simply here under four submit it as a conversion the same goes for any other events um if you want to the form start well this this parameter actually um starts when you start filling up the form and um I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be so confident to say that these forms work well on all websites so I would suggest you to um test it out for your specific case and yeah is this uh is this particular form underscore Summit uh applicable on all types of forms that are there because like like in on my website there is
actually a WordPress plugin form plugin that I have installed and I’m tracking uh based on that so uh will this work uh the enhanced measurement or is there any other way to do that um I I usually don’t track forms in in this way that I’m showing you but um the setup of form tracking could be really really complicated so I didn’t want to go into details um this is totally new feature which might improve over time I don’t think it works on all forms or even on the basic ones I’m not super confident that it
works 100 so I would be careful to use it or not if you want to have 100 percent um you know confidence that your forms are triggered correctly then I would suggest that you either implement this through Google tag manager and there’s a bunch of tutorials online how you can do that or you get your um developer you know to to trigger some um data layer events or events into Google analytics when a form triggers there’s a third way as well if you drive your you know after after a form submit if you drive your uh
users on a thank you page and it’s a unique thank you page then you can create a custom event which basically triggers whenever a person visits that landing page so this way you would 100 percent be sure that um all the submits of the form are correct um yeah what I wanted to show you just quickly is also that you see now that I’ve selected from submit it shows here in the conversions and uh you can also disable it if you want to so maybe now let’s take a look how we can leverage this conversion and this
data in a custom report so if we want to create sort of like a report segmented by CD and maybe Source in medium to to dig really deep into where our leads are coming from um we’ll have to create a new um custom report because we don’t have any reports that would satisfy this here in the pre-made ones and hearing the explorations you’ve got a bunch of different ways of exploring data and for our specific purpose we would use a free form which basically lists uh the data that we want it’s not funnel but it’s
basically a table so I said we want to segment it by by city which we already have here and we want to add another category which is basically sourced in medium and we don’t have any Dimensions here so let’s just edit we click on this plus and [Music] source and minimum and let’s just say the first user Source in medium and we’ll just import it and then what you can do is simply drag and drop it here instead of the category and immediately you’ll see that we get this report but we’re not done yet we can add some other
metrics as well currently we have active users you could you could select number of events transactions or even new users and for our case uh let’s just start with conversions so we can measure the conversions and as soon as yeah and drag it here you can have multiple metrics you know as columns just don’t put too many otherwise it’s gonna get confusing but we’re still not done we’re still showing all the data but we only want to focus on the forms mid event so how we can do that is create a filter here and we can filter
like event name and will only include those that exactly match or submit oh I should apply that now we’ve got the reports that only shows um where the cities and physician channels from where people submitted this form and this is how you can basically track where your audience is subscribing from and that’s uh that’s basically it yeah are there any specific questions oh I see there are right I think yeah yeah well no if you’re gonna Implement uh your own solution I would disable it uh in enhanced measurements otherwise
Google will still automatically add them and you will get some good data and some bad data so if you’re implementing any of the tracking your own on your own just disable or disable that right right great great I think uh that would definitely be uh uh exciting session for a lot of people uh at least for everybody who is running an e-commerce store or who is a publisher uh or at least a legion website like us uh since uh we we have a couple of lead forms on our website as well where you track the uh you know forms from Michigan uh
please share your experience uh and uh let the audience know uh what should they should now take as the next step action uh in terms of migrating to gf4 or in terms of other reporting uh in gfo foreign [Music] I hope you got some useful information uh and of course thank you thank mates for inviting me um maybe one thing you can ping me on LinkedIn or you can find me at Diga dot verse Gmail if if you have any questions yeah so this is the email ID she does either gmail.
com yeah um otherwise don’t don’t delay your migration I know it’s painful and we all got used to the universal Analytics um how it looks you know how it feels we we know where to find things but uh there’s a bunch of new things in Google analytics for that will work much better uh if you migrate as soon as possible so for example one of them is also AI prediction so I would strongly suggest that you try and migrate as soon as possible and yeah I I’d also like to say that I’ve used stagmate to to
migrate some of my Google tag manager tags and it worked really well so um I think they also offer a trial period maybe business making say a little bit about that so you can test it out and see if it works for you but for me it was great so yeah thanks for that quick quick note there yes uh we do offer a free trial as well for 14 days where uh you can test the product uh you can understand how it works and our support is Top Notch don’t worry uh we have it uh almost like not obviously 24 7 but then our chat support
is really quick for that um great uh like you said I think is your ga4 is obviously like a necessary level and uh we have everybody has to kind of migrate uh be it in today or in the next upcoming months until June of 2023 when things uh you know stops uh Google stops uh uh or basically sunsets the entire UA reports or UI properties uh so yes of audience uh we would want you to kind of uh go ahead and look at uh you know the udemy course uh get get yourself educated zika by the way are you also coming up more such cheer for
advanced reporting courses on udemy uh yeah I’m actually uh I also have a Google tag manager course which is I think about four hours long so if anybody wants to learn about Google tag manager they can do that as well and yeah I’m preparing a an in-depth Google analytics for course as we speak hopefully um at the at the beginning of next year I will release it and I will go in depth in different kinds of reports um how to create what to measure what’s important uh and so forth um but yeah it’s taken me a bit longer to
do that as expected but for now the migration part I think it’s also important if you do the migration and even if you don’t use the Google analytics yet um as long as you gather data in it it’s gonna help in the long runs absolutely yeah that’s definitely the right process I think Step One is migration and step two is that gfo reporting and adoption great uh thank you zigo for all your time thank you audience for staying staying until the last uh and uh I hope this uh the three reports that zigo was sharing uh actually makes a lot
of value for e-commerce owners or website uh WordPress owners or uh you know the bloggers and uh we are going to come up with more such uh reports Advanced reporting mechanisms uh or you know visualizations and we hope to host zika again uh in one of our next episodes thank you again